The One Word That Will Guarantee You Everything You Want in 2022

The One Word That Will Guarantee You Everything You Want in 2022

Everybody has goals and dreams . Come on, don’t deny it. These resolutions might have failed you in the past so you made a promise to never try again. Okay, I get it. Sometimes, it’s better to not try.

Did you know that it might not be the solution that is causing your frustration but the way you see it? It all comes down to the mindset. I have the perfect reason to share the word that will give you everything you desire in 2022.

Drum roll, ….. That word is flexibility. Or, if you’ll let me use two words mental flexibility.

You think it sounds too simple to be true? Is it possible that mental flexibility could be a more efficient and productive way to achieve my goals this year? It could even be more enjoyable.

Let’s first look at the problem of mental inflexibility. This is when you are stuck in a fixed mindset.

Let’s take, for instance, the goal of your 2022 goals to get a new job or a new partner, or even start your own business. If you have a fixed mentality, there may be only one way to reach your goal. These may not be the right path for you. This could mean posting your resume online or sticking with online-dating apps.

If you aren’t getting the results you desire, it is better to imagine and be open to new possibilities. mindfulness is a great way to help.

There are three ways that mindfulness can overcome fixed mindsets

First, mindlessness can be described as being stuck in a fixed mindset. This means that you are not able to adapt and create. Pre-determined cognitive beliefs are what constitute fixed mindsets.

One example of a fixed mindset is the old phrase “I’ve always done it this way.”

Fixed mindsets can also lead to conflict, fatigue and burnout. Ever come across someone who is stuck because they believe in limits? This creativity killer creates conformity, and blocks innovation, flexibility and productivity. Limits can hinder creativity and make it difficult to think of new ways to do almost anything. A famous example of a fixed limit that has been held for many years was “it’s physically impossible to run the mile in less than four minutes.” Roger Bannister changed this belief.

Third, mindfulness is particularly useful for improving communication skills and recognizing the need to find innovative solutions. Applying a mindful quality of openness and flexibility to problem-solving–“meditating on it” and “letting it go” instead of forcing an answer–shifts the context within which you view the challenge. This shift to seeing every problem as an opportunity rather than stress creates a mindset of passion, enthusiasm and energy. Mindfulness cultivates an objective observer in you that sees new direction, interconnections and synergies.

The Nutrition Fix to Mental Flexibility

To help you think more flexiblely, mindfulness can also be used to increase your awareness of serotonin or dopamine. An NIH article states that

“When serotonin or norepinephrine decrease motivation, and flexibility behaviour, it can hinder creativity.” It is interesting to note that proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are the building blocks for your neurotransmitters. Below is a chart that I share with my clients. Consider taking a protein break every two to three hours. Low serotonin is a sign of depression… rigid mindsets.

These foods will help you think more clearly and give you the motivation and energy to achieve your goals. Although this isn’t an exhaustive list, it is a good start.

Foods that promote focus and motivation

  • The neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine are synthesized from tyrosine. Sources include almonds and lima beans, avocados, bananas and dairy products, as well as pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Foods that promote flexibility in thinking, calm, and mood regulation

  • Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, is synthesized from tryptophan. Sources include brown rice and cottage cheese as well as meat, turkey peanuts and sesame seed.

Foods that stimulate thought and memory

  • Acetylcholine is not made from amino acid: Choline, which belongs to the B family vitamins, can be found in lecithin. These foods include whole wheat products, salmon, egg yolks and wheat germ.

The Final Word

These ideas can be helpful. Be clear about your goals and dreams but also be open to new ideas. These goals and dreams should be allowed to evolve and change. Change is constant. It can be helpful to be flexible in your goals , accepting that you may need to change direction at any time .

The book Simply mindful has many unique ways to use mindfulness to increase flexibility. It also includes a creative brainstorming technique called the “Umbrella Technique”. Have fun and embrace your goals in this new, more flexible, and accepting way.